Zwicker, Poppe, Freiman Statement on Violence in Charlottesville

Zwicker, Poppe, Freiman Statement on Violence in Charlottesville

Princeton - Following the horrific violence and hatred that occurred in Charlottesville,
Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker, Democratic candidate for State Senate Laurie Poppe, and
Democratic candidate for Assembly Roy Freiman released the following statement:

“We condemn the terrible violence, blatant displays of racism and bigotry and the deep seeded
hatred that was on display this weekend in Charlottesville. These groups that descended upon
the town represent the darkest underside of of this country and should be identified as what they
are: white supremacists hate groups made up of the KKK and neo-Nazi sympathizers.

Not only does what they stand for and how they voiced their views need to be denounced, these
groups themselves should be condemned. Americans should know that while freedom of
speech is respected here, so are people of all creeds, colors, and beliefs.

President Trump’s failure to immediately denounce, distance, and disown the white supremacist
organizations after the violence seen this weekend continues to shape a pattern that is
profoundly disturbing for any political organization, elected official, or President of the United

The display of hateful, bigoted, and vile speeches spewed from white supremacist marchers in
Charlottesville and their violence towards those who stood up to these views will not find shelter
in our state. Hate has no home in New Jersey.”



Austin Lyle, Campaign Manager

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