Week 6 testing municipal partners will be Alpine, Cresskill, Hasbrouck Heights, Mahwah, Palisades Park, Ridgefield, Tenafly & Wood-Ridge
HACKENSACK, N.J. – Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco announces that 11,336 tests have been administered in the first five weeks of community mobile testing across Bergen County. According to results processed by Bergen New Bridge Medical Center, of the 8,147 COVID-19 saliva diagnostic tests and 3,189 COVID-19 antibody tests taken at mobile testing locations, only 2% of the saliva tests and 18% of antibody tests yielded positive results.
Next week, the community mobile testing program, which is available to all county residents thanks to a partnership between the County of Bergen and Bergen New Bridge Medical Center, will deploy to Alpine, Cresskill, Hasbrouck Heights, Mahwah, Palisades Park, Ridgefield, Tenafly, & Wood-Ridge.
“Since mobile testing began five weeks ago, we have been able to test over 11,000 residents – an important step towards safely reopening our County. This is a tremendous milestone, which could not have been accomplished without our partnership with Bergen New Bridge Medical Center and the support of our community partners. However, we still have plenty of work to do. With an overwhelming response in our communities, we will continue to expand testing sites. My administration remains committed to ensuring tests are accessible to all county residents so we may begin to reopen safely,” said Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco.
“We are committed to providing access to healthcare to our communities, particularly those who have been underserved and heavily impacted through this pandemic. Testing has been critical as we battle the virus and remains a top priority as we continue to move forward toward the recovery of our state. We are proud of our role in testing 11,000 plus community members in their neighborhoods for COVID-19. We know the only way to mitigate the virus is to continue testing and we will remain steadfast in providing this critical service in partnership with the County of Bergen,” said Bergen New Bridge President and CEO, Deborah Visconi.
"We are proud and pleased that so many of Bergen County's residents and workers are taking advantage of Bergen's mobile testing. In a county so hard hit by Covid-19, we are relieved and encouraged by the low positivity rate. We urge all our folks to take advantage of tests when our vans roll into your town. It is one way of doing your civic duty, and contributing to the numbers that keep us informed about the impact of the virus,” said Bergen County Freeholder Chairwoman Mary Amoroso.
Mobile Testing Site Dates and Locations (WEATHER PERMITTING):
Monday, June 15 – Ridgefield & Palisades Park
725 Slocum Ave, Ridgefield, NJ (Ridgefield Community Center)
Wednesday, June 17 – Mahwah
475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, NJ (Mahwah Municipal Complex)
Thursday, June 18 – Tenafly, Cresskill, and Alpine
100 Riveredge Road, Tenafly, NJ (Tenafly Borough Hall)
Friday, June 19 – Hasbrouck Heights & Wood-Ridge
131 NJ-17/Oldfield Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ (Hasbrouck Heights Swim Club)
ALL MOBILE TESTING DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS. For updates please visit www.co.bergen.nj.us and check County Executive Jim Tedesco’s Facebook page.
All upcoming community mobile testing sites will offer the COVID-19 saliva and COVID-19 antibody tests. The COVID-19 saliva test is available to all county residents regardless of symptoms, as well as first responders, healthcare workers, and municipal or county employees who work in Bergen County with proof of employment. Due to demand, antibody testing will be limited to 200 per day and only be available for Bergen County first responders, healthcare workers, and Bergen County residents who previously tested positive for COVID-19 with documentation of prior test results. All mobile site patients will be limited to a choice of either the saliva or antibody test.
First responders are eligible to receive priority testing from 9-10am and the site will be open to the general public from 10am to 2:30pm.
Mobile testing is available on a first come, first serve basis and is free of charge to the patient, regardless of health insurance status.
For the COVID-19 saliva test, please do not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum 30 minutes prior to arrival. Identification is necessary so please bring your driver’s license/ID card, social security card, passport, or birth certificate. Proof of Bergen County residency or that you work in Bergen County is required so please bring your driver’s license, utility bill, pay stub, or work ID. If you have an insurance card, also have that with you.
The County of Bergen and Bergen New Bridge Medical Center remind all residents that mobile testing is only one way to get tested. COVID-19 Saliva Screening and Antibody Testing are also available by appointment at Bergen New Bridge Medical Center. To make an appointment please visit https://www.newbridgehealth.org/bergen-covid19-screening/ for more information.
Please note that these County/BNBMC operated testing sites are separate from the FEMA site located at Bergen Community College.
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