2020AT PAC To Be Formed By Millennials
Philadelphia, PA - Today, Kyle Darby, a 23-year-old lobbyist in Philadelphia and graduate student at Temple University, announced that he and his colleagues have began the effort to create a new nationwide political action committee for millennials who are engaged in the political process. The PAC will called 2020AT, with the AT standing for After Trump. This will be a PAC focused on the America that millennials want to see developed following the disconsolate presidency of Donald Trump; in hopes for an ousting in 2020. "It will be a national effort to establish an exclusive and collective entity for engaging millennials in the political process while raising funds to ensure the voices of millennials are heard loud and clear”, Darby says.
The ultimate goal of the organization is to seek out candidates who reflect the values of young people and will fight for them in the various offices that are important for policy change. There have already been a few conference calls consisting of young professionals and political operatives from California to New Jersey. Darby says that the support and excitement surrounding its creation has been overwhelming.
He stated, “our generation has been, by-and-large, shut out from the important decisions and conversations that get policies on the agenda and legislation passed. We are offering a change to that unfortunate reality. Something developed by us, for us, and will be continued with us to bring about the change that we seek, little by little.”
Darby was an intern with Senator Cory Booker in the Camden, NJ office and formerly the Executive Vice-President and co-founder of the College Democrats of New Jersey. He is currently an associate at the Philadelphia-based lobbying firm, S.R. Wojdak and Associates, where he deals directly with Philadelphia City Council legislation.