The New Jersey Statehouse and Capitol Building In Trenton


32BJ SEIU has also unveiled its endorsements for Hoboken City Council.


Newark, NJ– 32BJ SEIU, the largest property services union in the country, announced today its endorsements for the New Jersey General Assembly and State Senate ahead of the general elections on November 7. With dozens of endorsed candidates, 32BJ SEIU’s slate includes long-time incumbents and newcomers united in their commitment to the working people of New Jersey. These endorsements come after reviewing written questionnaires and conducting in-person candidate interviews. The current list is only partial as candidate screenings continue into the fall.

“Every candidate in this list has made a commitment to defending and advancing the rights of workers across the state,” said 32BJ SEIU Executive Vice President and New Jersey State Director Kevin Brown. “We are proud to support candidates who will not waiver in the ongoing fight for working people. We look forward to seeing them emerge victorious in November.”

Candidate                              Office

John Burzichelli                     State Senate District 3


Heather Simmons                 State Assembly District 3


Dave Bailey Jr.                     State Assembly District 3


Nilsa Cruz-Pérez                   State Senate District 5


Bill Moen                               State Assembly District 5

William W. Spearman            State Assembly District 5


Lou Greenwald                     State Assembly District 6


Pam Lampitt                         State Assembly District 6


Troy Singleton                       State Senate District 7


Herb Conaway Jr.                  State Assembly District 7


Carol Murphy                        State Assembly District 7


Andrea Katz                          State Assembly District 8


Anthony Angelozzi                State Assembly District 8


Vin Gopal                              State Senate District 11


Margie Donlon                       State Assembly District 11


Luann Peterpaul                    State Assembly District 11


Linda Greenstein                   State Senate District 14


Wayne P. DeAngelo               State Assembly District 14


Shirley K. Turner                   State Senate District 15


Verlina Reynolds-Jackson      State Assembly District 15


Anthony S. Verrelli                 State Assembly District 15


Andrew Zwicker                     State Senate District 16


Roy Freiman                          State Assembly District 16


Mitchelle Drulis                      State Assembly District 16


Bob Smith                             State Senate District 17


Joe Danielsen                       State Assembly District 17


Joseph Egan                         State Assembly District 17


Patrick J. Diegnan                 State Senate District 18


Robert Karabinchak               State Assembly District 18


Sterley Stanley                      State Assembly District 18


Joseph F. Vitale                     State Senate District 19


Craig J. Coughlin                   State Assembly District 19


Yvonne Lopez                       State Assembly District 19


Joe Cryan                              State Senate District 20


Reginald Atkins                     State Assembly District 20


Annette Quijano                    State Assembly District 20


Nicholas P. Scutari                State Senate District 22


Linda S. Carter                      State Assembly District 22


James J. Kennedy                 State Assembly District 22


Christine Clarke                    State Senate District 25


Dr. Jonathan Torres              State Assembly District 25


Diane Salvatore                    State Assembly District 25


John McKeon                        State Senate District 27


Rosaura Bagolie                   State Assembly District 27


Alixon Collazos-Gill               State Assembly District 27


Renee C. Burgess                 State Senate District 28


Cleopatra G. Tucker              State Assembly District 28


Garnet R. Hall                       State Assembly District 28


Teresa M. Ruiz                      State Senate District 29


Eliana Pintor Marin               State Assembly District 29


Shanique Speight                  State Assembly District 29


Angela McKnight                   State Senate District 31


Raj Mukherji                          State Senate District 32


Jessica Ramirez                    State Assembly District 32


John Allen                             State Assembly District 32


Brian P. Stack                       State Senate District 33


Julio Marenco                       State Assembly District 33


Britnee Timberlake                State Senate District 34


Carmen Morales                   State Assembly District 34


Nellie Pou                              State Senate District 35


Shavonda E. Sumter             State Assembly District 35


Benjie Wimberly                    State Assembly District 35


Paul Sarlo                             State Senate District 36


Clinton Calabrese                  State Assembly District 36


Gary S. Schaer                      State Assembly District 36


Gordon M. Johnson               State Senate District 37


Shama Haider                       State Assembly District 37


Ellen J. Park                          State Assembly District 37


Joseph A. Lagana                 State Senate District 38


Lisa Swain                             State Assembly District 38


Chris Tully                            State Assembly District 38


Bill O’ Dea                             Hudson County Commissioner


Anthony L. Romano                    Hudson County Commissioner


Craig Guy                                  Hudson County Executive



Dan Benson                           Mercer County Executive


Rafi Cordova                         Hoboken City Council 1st Ward


Marla Decker                        Hoboken City Council 2nd Ward


Phil Cohen                            Hoboken City Council 5th Ward


Lauren Myers                        Hoboken City Council 6th Ward




With more than 175,000 members in 12 states, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country.

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