375 Latino Pastors and Ministers that represent 37,500 Parishioners Strongly Support the Re-election of Speaker Coughlin, Assembly Members Lopez, Quijano, Pintor Marin, Speight, Chiaravalloti, Jimenez and Mejia
375 Latino Pastors and Ministers that represent 37,500 Parishioners
Strongly Support the Re-election of Speaker Coughlin,
Assembly Members Lopez, Quijano, Pintor Marin, Speight,
Chiaravalloti, Jimenez and Mejia
At a time of much uncertainty in the nation, we need leadership, persons who are brave, and committed to ensuring that New Jersey continues to be the progressive beacon on the challenges of immigration, civil rights, criminal justice reform and fighting for women’s equality.
We support not only those candidates who support our Latino demographics, but also our values: hard work, family and faith, service to the community, investment in our children, and respect for our elders.
Extraordinary commitment to underserved communities marks the legislative record of the leaders we have endorsed. By their actions, their voting records, their legislative support, and their public and personal example, we have chosen to support the re-election of Speaker Craig Coughlin (D19), Assemblywoman Yvonne Lopez (D19), Assemblywoman Annette Quijano (D20), Assemblywoman Eliana Pintor Marin (D29), Assemblywoman Shanique Speight (D29), Assemblyman Nick Chiaravalloti (31), Assemblywoman Angelica Jimenez (D32) and Assemblyman Pedro Mejia (D32).
We believe in the promise that all persons are created equally and endowed with God given rights; yet, to fulfill that God given potential, one must have access to those basic necessities for which every generation of Americans has yearned: education, health care, and employment.
The New Jersey Latino Pastors and Ministers Coalition is an independent group of Christian leaders, across all denominations, committed to using its collective strength to effectively empower Latinos and communities that are economically, socially, politically, and spiritually disenfranchised.
We will work through public policy advocacy, community development, political empowerment and coalition building to build a fairer New Jersey for all.