Over 50 Groups Call on Governor Murphy For Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

Over 50 Groups Call on Governor Murphy For Moratorium on Fossil Fuel Infrastructure


New Jersey is in a climate crisis. The combination of sea level rise, increased storm events, and other climate impacts put our environment and communities at risk. The new U.S climate report shows that climate change is getting worse and happening faster.  There are 5 natural gas power plants like the Meadowlands Powerplant that could emit over 5 million metric tons of greenhouse gases into our air. There are also 7 new natural gas projects underway in New Jersey that will destroy sensitive ecosystems harming wildlife and public safety. We should be focusing on promoting renewable energy such as wind and solar so that we can achieve Governor Murphy’s 100% clean energy goals by 2020. Dozens of groups ranging from leading environmental non-profits to community action groups to faith groups have formed a campaign called Empower NJ-Stop Fossil Fuels:


New Jersey Sierra Club

Food & Water Watch

Clean Ocean Action

Clean Water Action

People Over Pipelines

UU Faith Action NJ

Bergen Green Faith Circle

Roseland Against the Compressor Station (RACS)

Don’t Gas the Meadowlands Coalition

Blue Wave

Citizen Action


Environment NJ

Delaware Riverkeeper Network

Pinelands Preservation Alliance

Climate Mama



Who: Jeff Tittel, New Jersey Sierra Club, Doug O’Malley Environment NJ, Amy Goldsmith, Clean Water Action, Maya Van Rossum, Delaware Riverkeeper, Matt Smith, Food & Water Watch, and other environmental, faith based, and citizen groups.

What: Empower NJ- Stop Fossil Fuels Campaign Launch

Where: Statehouse Annex Steps, 131-137 W State St, Trenton, NJ 08608

When: Wednesday, December 5th starts at 12:30pm

Facebook Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/278062159579793/

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