7th District Democratic Congressional Candidate Calls Out Lance on DACA Stand

7th District Democratic Congressional Candidate Calls Out Lance on DACA Stand

Lisa Mandelblatt, a Democratic candidate for New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District slammed U.S. Rep. Leonard Lance today for his effort to have his DACA cake and eat it too.

In response to President Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Lance announced that he plans to co-sponsor H.R. 1468, the "Recognizing America's Children Act" bill.

The bill was introduced in March by U.S. Rep. Carlos Curbelo, a Republican representing Miami, Fla.

Curbelo introduced similar legislation in 2016, which was roundly criticized at the time as legislation that stood no chance of passing solely designed to pander to the large Hispanic population in his Miami district.

As of today, Curbelo’s bill only has 18 Republican co-sponsors and no Democrats.

“Saying you are co-sponsoring legislation that has no chance of passing a Republican congress is just a cop out,” Mandelblatt said. “This bill is clearly designed to shield Republican members of Congress from charges that they are anti-immigrant.

“Congressman Lance has never been an advocate for hard-working immigrants,” Mandelblatt said. “In 2010 he voted against the DREAM Act. In 2013, he voted to restart deportations of DACA-eligible individuals. He even voted to nullify DACA in twice in 2014, and again in 2015. It's downright shameful that he would stoop to cheap political theater to cover himself, while playing politics with hopes of 71,000 DREAMers in New Jersey.”

“If elected to Congress, I would fight for true immigration reform that provides a path to citizenship for DREAMers,” Mandelblatt said. “DREAMers were brought to this nation as children, successfully integrated into our communities, and pledge allegiance to our flag the same as every other U.S. citizen."

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