Amid Pandemic Crisis, Bucco Calls for Front Office Business Advocate

Amid Pandemic Crisis, Bucco Calls for Front Office Business Advocate

Senator Anthony M. Bucco (R-Morris County) released the following statement amid the COVID-19 crisis and growing economic uncertainty:

“First off, I want to commend the Governor and the administration for their leadership throughout this pandemic and the uncertain times confronting residents, businesses and government alike. Our state’s response must first and foremost be about protecting the health and safety of our residents. That is clear. But with each passing day, businesses small and large are losing revenues necessary to sustain operations and jobs. With a myriad of businesses across our state with different challenges, ideas, and concerns, there is no single answer on how to confront the economic challenges before the Garden State.

“That’s why I’m calling on the Governor to establish a position within the front office, with quick decision-making authority, to act on outside-the-box ideas to help our businesses weather the storm. For example, Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver could easily assume this role which will, in turn, free the Governor to concentrate solely on the health, safety, and welfare of our residents.

“In the last two weeks, we’ve heard of businesses like breweries, automotive retailers and real estate agents that were caught up in the essential/nonessential classification. Fortunately, these enterprises were authorized to get back to work on a restricted basis earlier this week. I am sure that there are other businesses out there that could use additional common-sense relief. We should think through an exemption or waiver process similar to what has been implemented in states like Pennsylvania that may serve a societal need to continue safe operations. Establishing such a process and placing the Lt. Governor in change will allow for quicker action and more people safely returning to work when it does not compromise public health. Just yesterday, a coalition of business groups made nearly two dozen recommendations from our state’s business community which should be evaluated and acted upon.

“I look forward to continuing working in a bipartisan fashion to keep New Jersey residents safe, mitigate losses and come back stronger in the months and years ahead.”

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