9th District on Murphy Proposed Budget: Taxpayers’ Financial Security Further Jeopardized Without Substantial Property Tax Relief

9th District on Murphy Proposed Budget: Taxpayers’ Financial Security Further Jeopardized Without Substantial Property Tax Relief

Senator Christopher Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf, and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove will focus their efforts on increasing funding for property tax relief during the upcoming budget deliberations for the 2023 State Budget.

The 9th District Delegation’s comments are in response to Governor Murphy’s recent unveiling of his proposed 2023 State Budget.  This year, Assemblyman Rumpf was named to the Assembly Budget Committee.

The 9th District Delegation made the following remarks:

“While Governor Murphy made property tax relief and affordability themes of his budget address, his unimpressive record over the past four years on this issue is reason for concern for the upcoming budget.  Too much is at stake for taxpayers who cannot afford obscene levels of state spending that can’t be sustained in the best of economies.

“Special interests and their requests for more government spending have taken priority in the state budget over property tax relief and the fair distribution of school funding.  Appropriately, we are approaching this budget with the mindset that this same dynamic will be in play this year and our Delegation is committed to providing property tax relief and rejecting calls for increased government spending.

“Last year, funding for the Senior Freeze was placed on the chopping block before being restored in response to calls from our Delegation and other legislators who understood the devastating impact cuts to this program would have on senior homeowners.  Worsening the state’s fiscal condition was the fact that the Governor and his allies in the State Legislature approved the borrowing of billions of dollars that the state did not need.

“A fact lost on no one is that property tax relief must be the core priority of the State Budget to, at the very least, help taxpayers cope with inflation, rising gas prices, higher tolls and every other means by which Trenton has devised to take more money out of the pockets of New Jerseyans, including providing benefits to illegal aliens.”

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