January 17, 2025 MORRIS COUNTY, NJ – Sheriff James Gannon and Commissioners Christine Myers, Doug Cabana and Tom Mastrangelo announce their intention to run for re-election in 2025. Gannon is from the Town of Boonton, Myers is from Harding Township, Cabana is from Boonton Township, and Mastrangelo is from Montville Township. The team prides itself on working for the residents of Morris County – fiscally responsible use of the County’s finances while providing both necessary and innovative services for our residents.
“We are honored to run with Sheriff Gannon who has proven himself to be a leader for the people of Morris County,” said the Commissioners Myers, Cabana and Mastrangelo, pointing to Sheriff Gannon’s innovative and nationally recognized Hope One program – a mobile substance abuse and mental health disorder outreach that stops in communities to provide free Narcan training and Naloxone kits, and access to addiction recovery and mental health programs – and his efforts to protect seniors from consumer fraud, absorb the County Park Police to improve effectiveness and efficiency, and restore financial accountability. Sheriff Gannon, likewise, praised Commissioners Myers, Cabana and Mastrangelo, highlighting their continued investments in critical infrastructure, road and bridge construction, economic development, prioritizing the safety of its residents by supporting law enforcement and collectively delivering 8 years of no increase to the county tax rate.
“Because of Doug, Tom and Christine’s experience, leadership and vison they have helped make Morris County one of the best run counties in America, and I am delighted to join them as we run together for our re-election,” said Sheriff James Gannon. “Collectively our team looks forward to keeping Morris the best-run county in New Jersey and the United States. We will continue to deliver vital improvements to our infrastructure and many services to all the people of Morris County.”
“We are pleased with receiving, thus far, over 150 overwhelming endorsements from state, county and municipal Republican leaders,” said Commissioners Myers, Cabana and Mastrangelo, noting a list of endorsements would be released in the coming weeks. “This unprecedented support also indicates that the Morris County Republican party is ready to unite early so we can start working right away in 2025 to elect Republicans at all levels and focus our resources for the Fall campaign. We will look forward to bringing our message of accomplishment and future vison to the people of Morris County throughout our campaign.”