ACS CAN Applauds Cigarette Tax Increase and Maintained Funding for Cancer Programs in Gov. Murphy’s Proposed Budget

ACS CAN Applauds Cigarette Tax Increase and Maintained Funding for Cancer Programs in Gov. Murphy’s Proposed Budget


TRENTON, NJ – Aug. 25, 2020 – The budget package announced today by Gov. Phil Murphy includes an increase in the cigarette tax and maintained funding for crucial cancer programs.


American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) New Jersey Government Relations Director Michael Davoli released the following statement.


“ACS CAN applauds Governor Murphy for including an increase in the state’s cigarette tax in his budget proposal.  Increasing the New Jersey cigarette tax by $1.65 per pack would result in 23,700 fewer youth under age 18 becoming adult smokers, 46,300 current adult smokers quitting, 18,700 premature smoking-caused deaths prevented, and generate over $100 million in new annual revenue for New Jersey.


“Additionally, we are pleased to see that Governor Murphy’s budget recognizes the importance of maintaining programs critical to preventing, detecting and treating cancer. While the budget addresses the acute needs related to COVID-19, cancer patients need changes that promote innovation, expand access, and drive towards health equity to relieve suffering during the pandemic and beyond. Eliminating cancer relies as much on public policy as it does on scientific discovery and innovation.


“At a time when more than 120,000 New Jerseyans have lost their employer-based health insurance, maintaining funding for the New Jersey Cancer Screening, Early Detection and Education Program (NJCEED) is critical to ensure that cancers continue to be detected at an early stage when they can be treated more effectively.


“The future of cancer care begins in laboratories like those right here in New Jersey. The NJ Commission on Cancer Research (NJCCR) provides a vital source of funding to research that will save lives and shape the future.


“New Jersey’s tobacco control and smoking cessation programs are vital to the future health of millions of New Jerseyans.  Helping adults quit and keeping youth from starting in the first place takes a sustained commitment and funding source from the State of New Jersey.


“We are very pleased to see that Governor Murphy is steadfast in his commitment to these vital programs. We encourage the State Legislature to approve the cigarette tax increase and maintain funding for NJCEED, the NJ Commission on Cancer Research and the state’s tobacco control program as the Governor has proposed.”




The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) is making cancer a top priority for public officials and candidates at the federal, state and local levels. ACS CAN empowers advocates across the country to make their voices heard and influence evidence-based public policy change as well as legislative and regulatory solutions that will reduce the cancer burden. As the American Cancer Society’s nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy affiliate, ACS CAN is critical to the fight for a world without cancer. For more information, visit

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