Activists Rallied Outside MacArthur’s Office with Mobile Billboard

Activists Rallied Outside MacArthur’s Office with Mobile Billboard
Marlton, NJ — Today, NJ Citizen Action and local advocates held a press conference outside Tom MacArthur’s district office to voice their concerns over his efforts to sabotage our healthcare.
The press conference featured a mobile billboard from House Majority PAC focused on MacArthur’s leadership role in passing the disastrous GOP health care plan, that would gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions and impose a devastating “Age Tax.” According to AARP the “Age Tax” would allow insurance companies to charge people aged 50-64 up to five times more than younger consumers. The billboard traveled throughout the Third Congressional District.
“Congressman MacArthur is part of the problem in Washington,” said House Majority PAC Press Secretary Hannah Blatt. “Time and again, MacArthur has chosen his party and special interests over his constituents – playing a leadership role in sabotaging our health care and voting to raise taxes on hardworking New Jersey families. Voters in New Jersey deserve a Representative who will actually look out for them and their pocketbooks, instead of blindly following his party’s leaders in Washington. HMP will continue to hold MacArthur accountable for his out-of-touch record.”
“Tom MacArthur claimed his bid to repeal the Affordable Care Act wouldn’t harm patients,” said New Jersey Citizen Action Program Director Ann Vardeman. “Nothing could be further from the truth. He voted to end protections for people with pre-existing conditions and to make it legal to charge older people more for coverage. The plan he helped write would strip millions of Americans and hundreds of thousands of New Jerseyans of health care. Tom MacArthur’s voting record on health care has been a disaster for our state.”