Adulterated Candy Ban, ‘Airbnb’ Bill, Financial Literacy for Students, Keeping State Parks & Other Sites Open In Event of Government Shutdown Top Friday Assembly Session

Adulterated Candy Ban, ‘Airbnb’ Bill, Financial Literacy for Students, Keeping State Parks & Other Sites Open In Event of Government Shutdown Top Friday Assembly Session

Also on Tap:, Ensuring NJ’s Participation in 2020 Census, Protecting Good Samaritans Who Break Into Vehicles to Save Unattended Pets, Establishing Safety Procedures & Guidelines for Pool & Spa Contractors & New Jersey Civic Information Consortium

PLUS: William Spearman will be Sworn In as 5th District Legislative Representative


(TRENTON) – Banning adulterated candy, the ‘Airbnb’ bill, requiring financial literacy instruction for students and keeping state parks, forests and other recreational areas open to the public in the event of a state government shutdown top Friday’s Assembly voting session.

Also on tap: ensuring New Jersey’s participation in the 2020 Census, protecting good Samaritans who break into vehicles to save unattended pets, establishing safety procedures and  guidelines for pool and spa contractors, and creating the New Jersey Civic Information Consortium to restore and ensure the civic health of New Jersey’s communities.

The session is scheduled to start at 11:30 a.m. and will be streamed live at:


Bill No.   Sponsor   Description
A-1237   McKeon, John F.

/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie

/Tucker, Cleopatra G.

/Eustace, Tim

/Jones, Patricia Egan

/Space, Parker

/Jasey, Mila M.

  Requires State parks, forests, and other natural and historic areas to remain open to public for seven days if emergency is declared due to failure to enact general appropriation law as prescribed by NJ Constitution.
A-1414 Aca      McKnight, Angela V.
/Chiaravalloti, Nicholas
/Pintor Marin, Eliana
/Holley, Jamel C.
/Wimberly, Benjie E.
/Quijano, Annette
   Requires financial literacy instruction to pupils enrolled in grades six through eight.
A-1753 AcaSa   Quijano, Annette

/Vainieri Huttle, Valerie

/Mukherji, Raj 

/Giblin, Thomas P.

  Imposes State sales and use tax and hotel and motel occupancy fee on transient accommodations; authorizes various municipal taxes and fees on transient accommodations.
A-2179 Aca   Schaer, Gary S.

/Houghtaling, Eric

  Prohibits the sale of adulterated candy in New Jersey.
A-2189 Sa   Lampitt, Pamela R.

/Downey, Joann

/Danielsen, Joe

/Ruiz, M. Teresa

/Corrado, Kristin M.

  Requires school districts to include instruction on consequences of distributing and soliciting sexually explicit images through electronic means as part of New Jersey Student Learning Standards in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education.
A-2318 Aca   Vainieri Huttle, Valerie

/Murphy, Carol A.

/Mukherji, Raj

  Provides immunity from civil and criminal liability for rescue of animal from motor vehicle under inhumane conditions.
A-2747 AcsAaAa   Houghtaling, Eric

/Downey, Joann

/Munoz, Nancy F.

/Danielsen, Joe

  Limits time continuing care retirement communities may retain refundable entrance fee after resident vacates facility; provides for disposition of certain personal property.
A-3628 AcaSa   Greenwald, Louis D.

/Moriarty, Paul D.

/Murphy, Carol A.

/Weinberg, Loretta

/Diegnan, Patrick J.

  Establishes New Jersey Civic Information Consortium.
A-3765   Houghtaling, Eric

/Downey, Joann

/Jones, Patricia Egan

  Permits school district superintendent to designate school employee with certain expertise as school safety specialist.
A-3772   DeAngelo, Wayne P.

/Quijano, Annette

  Provides for licensing of pool and spa service contractors, and pool and spa builders and installers.
A-3888 AcaSa   Houghtaling, Eric

/Downey, Joann

/Egan, Joseph V.

  Allows issuance of additional alcoholic beverage licenses within boundaries of formerly federally owned or operated military installations.
A-4208 AcaAaSa   Jasey, Mila M.

/Lopez, Yvonne

/Sumter, Shavonda E.

/Rice, Ronald L.

  Establishes "New Jersey Complete Count Commission."
A-4261 Aa      Burzichelli, John J.    Provides for collection of sales tax from certain remote sellers.
ACR-182   Jones, Patricia Egan   Approves eligible historic preservation project in Camden County to receive low-interest loan utilizing monies from 1987 historic preservation bond act.
S-250 ScaSca


     Van Drew, Jeff

/Gopal, Vin

(Land, R. Bruce
/Andrzejczak, Bob
/Armato, John)

   Provides tax credit eligibility for qualified businesses at certain airports under Grow New Jersey Assistance Program.
S-866 Sca

(A-3294 Aca)

  Sweeney, Stephen M.

/Vitale, Joseph F.

(Vainieri Huttle, Valerie

/Mukherji, Raj)

  Extends eligibility for certain individuals for emergency assistance.
S-1958 Sa


  Gopal, Vin

/Scutari, Nicholas P.

(Mukherji, Raj

/Lopez, Yvonne

/DeAngelo, Wayne P.)

  Establishes permit to allow seasonal retail consumption license holders to sell alcoholic beverages during certain off-season dates.


  Pou, Nellie

/Ruiz, M. Teresa

(Chaparro, Annette)

  Designates September 20th of each year as Hispanic Journalist Pride Day.

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