AFP-NJ Applauds Senate Passage of Hair Braiding Freedom Bill, Group Urges Governor Phil Murphy to Swiftly Sign

AFP-NJ Applauds Senate Passage of Hair Braiding Freedom Bill, Group Urges Governor Phil Murphy to Swiftly Sign


TRENTON, NJ – Americans for Prosperity-New Jersey (AFP-NJ) on Sunday applauded the New Jersey State Senate for passing S-2510/A-3754, legislation that would help hair braiders get to work without first having to obtain burdensome occupational licenses. The Garden State currently requires aspiring hair braiders to complete 1,200 hours of unrelated cosmetology training and pay upward of $17,000 in order to receive a license and work. AFP-NJ has long been at the forefront of opposing unnecessary occupational licenses without a compelling public need. The group now urges the Governor to swiftly sign the bill.


New Jersey State Director Erica Jedynak said:


“AFP-NJ is committed to advancing a vision for a free and open society, including reducing barriers to opportunity so that everyone – from all walks of life – can live their version of the American Dream. The State of NJ has been fining women without a license up to $10k and shutting down their shops in inner-cities. This legislation exempts hair braiding from licensure and waives all fines and penalties.”


“Thank you to all the bill sponsors, the entire NJ Hair Braiding Freedom Coalition, and the Legislative Black Caucus for supporting women entrepreneurs and the right to earn a living. We urge Governor Phil Murphy to swiftly sign bill S-2510/A-3754.”





Bill Sponsors:

  • S-2510: Senators Madden, Pennacchio, and Turner
  • A-3754: Assembly Members McKnight, Speight, Bucco, Holley, Murphy, Wirths, Space, Tucker, Lopez, and Reynolds-Jackson


Americans for Prosperity (AFP) exists to recruit, educate, and mobilize citizens in support of the policies and goals of a free society at the local, state, and federal level, helping every American live their dream – especially the least fortunate. AFP has more than 3.2 million activists across the nation, a local infrastructure that includes 36 state chapters, and has received financial support from more than 100,000 Americans in all 50 states. For more information, visit



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