How Airbnb is Working to Protect Hosts, Guest & Neighbors in NJ this Holiday Season
How Airbnb is Working to Protect Hosts, Guest & Neighbors in NJ this Holiday Season
With an expected, record-setting 4.5 million guest stays on New Year’s Eve, Airbnb today announced new features and policies to help our community stay safe, including new mechanisms to support hosts, guests and neighbors who have concerns about unauthorized parties or disturbances as we welcome 2020.
Today, we will be rolling out a new initiative around neighborhood support, to make sure we can help resolve complaints about disturbances or nuisance in the communities our hosts call home. We are launching an updated global Neighborhood Support Page at, a feature on our website and app where neighbors and community members can submit their concerns about unauthorized parties, excessive noise, unsafe behavior, excessive trash, unallowed parking and other disturbances.
Starting this Monday in the US, we will also have an additional urgent communication channel for nuisances requiring real-time support, the Neighborhood Support Line. This number is also available at
You can read about our news tools and additional steps that we will be taking here.
This is in addition to our recent updates to our policies to ban “party houses” and “open invite” events, and increased enforcement against reckless behavior and nuisance from bad actors. Beginning this holiday season, we will also have dozens of specially trained agents supporting this enforcement and handling rapid response in our online and telephone channels for urgent neighborhood issues.
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