Alban Construction: The Pros And Cons of Summer Work

As summer comes to a close and schools reopen, the back to school season provides some industries a welcome respite from the chaotic demands of the summer, and others a much needed boost after a slow set of months.


Construction in the summer months creates a perfect environment to complete much needed common area renovations without maximum traffic.  It can serve as the perfect time for Boards and Superintendents to focus on refurbishing elevators, lobbies and residential hallways.  Yet, there can still be drawbacks.


To determine the best possible timing for Common Area overhauls and renovations, Alban Construction’s Executive Vice President, Tammy Smith, explains some of the pros and cons of scheduling summer work.


Pros of Summer Construction

  • Less resident traffic
  • Extended daylight hours
  • Increased tolerance for after-hours work
  • Easier parking
  • Did we mention less residents?


Cons of Summer Construction

  • Vacations (of Board members, Contractor employees, and/or Suppliers)
  • Resident vacations when the Contractor needs access to their space
  • Later start times
  • Longer supply chain delays


“You need to know your building,” says Tammy Smith.  “If your residents are in the Hamptons for the summer and tend to respond quickly to questions regarding apartment access for things like painting, then summer might be your easiest time.”


Alternatively, “if you have a 50 plus demographic who likes to winter in the South,” adds Smith, “then you have to be careful about the summer months, as many work from home and do not want to be disturbed by construction.”


Considering additional factors, aside from just residents, Marilyn Sygrove, President of Sygrove Associates Design Group Inc., notes that Board member vacations and absences play a large role as well.  “Design changes happen and need board approval.  When two of your Board members are vacationing in Italy, it makes carpet choices in NYC a little more difficult.”


There is no perfect way to handle inconvenient closures with residents, but contractors should  work tirelessly to minimize the impact on YOUR clients.  Whether it’s July or December, each season has challenges to both consider and overcome.  Alban Construction can guide you through what can at times be an arduous process of internal decision making and help optimize your renovation needs.


Based in Newark, New Jersey, the Alban Group is a fourth-generation family-owned and operated company committed to elevating construction to craftsmanship.  Focusing on multifamily units and shared spaces, the Alban Group has become synonymous with quality and craftsmanship.

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