Alonso: Calling on the BCRO and Chairman Digaetano to have a convention for the 5th Congressional District

I am calling on the Bergen County Republican Organization(BCRO) and BCRO Chairman Paul DiGaetano to have a convention for the 5th Congressional District nomination immediately.  The decision to not have a convention where the County Committee members have an opportunity to choose the Republican congressional nominee is unfair to everyone involved. It is unfair to Steve Lonegan because it denies him the opportunity to compete for the Republican Line in this important race. It is unfair to John McCann because winning the nomination without a convention taints his candidacy as illegitimate without the consent of the County Committee members. Finally, it is not only unfair to all of the County Committee members, but it further alienates volunteers, activists and loyal BCRO county committee members. The Convention should only involve eligible Bergen County committee members living in the 5th Congressional District.

I am calling on Jack Zisa to show real leadership and do the same in calling for the convention. Otherwise, he is just an extension of Paul DiGaetano of what’s to come should Zisa be Chairman.    

Fernando A. Alonso, Esq.
Bergen County Republican Chairman Candidate

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