Ambrosino Wishes Assemblywoman Pam Lampitt And Other South Jersey Women “Leaders” A Happy Anniversary

Ambrosino Wishes Assemblywoman Pam Lampitt And Other South Jersey Women “Leaders” A Happy Anniversary

One year ago today was the first time Camco Republicans called out Lampitt and others for their silence on Arthur Barclay

HADDON HEIGHTS – Exactly one year ago several Camden County Republican candidates called out Assemblywoman Pam Lampitt and other “South Jersey women leaders” for their silence on the issue of former Assemblyman Arthur Barclay’s arrest. At the time, Camden County Republicans suggested the reason for the silence was, “They were waiting to be told what to say by their political bosses.”

Camden County Republican Chairman Rich Ambrosino said, “Here we are, one year later and former Assemblyman Arthur Barclay still has a county job and Assemblywomen Pam Lampitt and Pat Egan Jones and Freeholders Carmen Rodriguez and Susan Shin-Angulo are still silent about one of their own beating his girlfriend and still having a county job. Perhaps we were right a year ago and they are waiting to be told what to say.”

“Three of these self-proclaimed ‘leaders’ are on the ballot.” Ambrosino explained, “Lampitt and Rodriguez are both running for re-election and Shin-Angulo is running for mayor in Cherry Hill. Frankly, in the era of #MeToo I don’t believe you get to call yourself a leader and remain silent on the issue of a confessed girlfriend beater still holding a county job.”

“In this case silence is not golden, but it does take discipline to do absolutely nothing for an entire year.” Ambrosino said, “I wish Assemblywoman Lampitt and her fellow self-proclaimed ‘leaders’ a very happy first anniversary of silence. It takes special people to remain silent and ignore the fact that a man who admitted to punching his girlfriend has been protected by your own political party for an entire year.”

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