Amy Kennedy Demands That Brigid Harrison Finally Take The No Corporate PAC Money Pledge

Amy Kennedy

Amy Kennedy Demands That Brigid Harrison Finally Take The No Corporate PAC Money Pledge

“We’re once again demanding that Brigid Harrison put the people of South Jersey first, not accept any corporate PAC money and disavow single candidate and machine-aligned PAC spending on her behalf.”


Brigantine, NJ – Today, Amy Kennedy, a candidate for Congress in New Jersey’s in New Jersey’s second district, released the following statement, renewing her call for Brigid Callahan Harrison to take the ‘No Corporate PAC’ pledge. 


For over two months, we’ve asked Brigid Harrison to take the No Corporate PAC pledge because we know South Jersey deserves a leader who will make our community the priority, not special interests or big donors. For too long, the people of South Jersey have been at the mercy of machine politics and they’re ready for change. We’re once again demanding that Brigid Harrison put the people of South Jersey first, not accept any corporate PAC money and disavow single candidate and machine-aligned PAC spending on her behalf. The people of South Jersey are waiting and watching. 


Amy Kennedy was endorsed by End Citizens United, has taken the No Corporate PAC pledge and has made addressing political corruption a central part of her campaign. 



The Harrison campaign responded: “What a joke. Amy signing a “pledge” is like when Jeff Van Drew said he was a Democrat – the words means nothing. Amy “pledged” not to seek the county line, and then she clearly did. Amy “pledged” to fight political corruption, and then she paid convicted criminal Craig Callaway for his support, the single most corrupt political boss in New Jersey. Amy “pledged” to fight for mental health, yet she is taking thousands in bundled dollars from Wellpath, a corrupt company that has been the subject to countless mental health scandals. Amy “pledged” to fight for the Democratic party, but she has given thousands in contributions to Republican Senators fighting for the Trump agenda. Let’s be clear, this is just a sad attempt from Amy’s campaign to try to distance themselves from an FEC complaint regarding her and her husband illegal coordination with a SuperPAC. Rather than making demands of other campaigns, it probably time for Amy to demand that her own campaign find herself a good lawyer.”

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