Amy Kennedy Endorsed by South Jersey Progressive Democrats 


Amy Kennedy Endorsed by South Jersey Progressive Democrats

“I’m proud to commit to fighting for a South Jersey
where everyone has the opportunity to succeed and thrive”


Brigantine, NJ — Earlier today, South Jersey Progressive Democrats announced its endorsement of Amy Kennedy, former public school teacher and mental health advocate, running for New Jersey’s second congressional district.


“I’m so proud to have earned the endorsement of the South Jersey Progressive Democrats and I’m proud to commit to fighting for a South Jersey where everyone has the opportunity to succeed and thrive,” said Amy Kennedy. “The people of South Jersey are tired of leaders who are concerned with serving themselves and the interests of corrupt political bosses. I’m ready to bring change and fight for the needs of this community. I’ve taken the End Citizens United’s No Corporate PAC pledge and have outlined a number of bold plans to address the challenges we’re facing, like providing affordable health care, ensuring liveable wages and protections for workers’ rights and providing a fair and transparent political system that puts power in the hands of the people. I’m ready to fight for the people and families of South Jersey, not only through the economic crisis we’re facing, but for the future of our children and our community.”


“I am excited for SJ Progressive Democrats’ endorsement of Amy Kennedy, a former educator, mental health activist and defender of workers rights. Her platform reflects awareness from lived experience of the promise and challenges of South Jersey, from the need to commit to quality jobs to the need for environmental innovation to save the shore,” said Kate Delaney, President of the South Jersey Progressive Democrats. “Amy Kennedy has the ability to defeat the last Democrat foisted on the region by the Norcross machine, Jeff Van Drew. Her win will be a meaningful win for Democrats, and for democracy, in South Jersey.”


South Jersey Progressive Democrats is a grassroots organization working for a transparent, accountable, and just government that works for all people.


Amy Kennedy has put forth more policies than any other candidate, that honor progressive values and will push South Jersey one step closer to ensuring social and economic justice for all. Amy has made addressing political corruption both in South Jersey and in Washington, a core part of her campaign.


This endorsement is just one in a long list of endorsements for Amy Kennedy, including: End Citizens United, Communication Workers of America, New Jersey Education Association, NJ CD 2 Progressive Democrats, NJ Working Families Alliance and Taking the Hill PAC.

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