Amy Kennedy to Jeff Van Drew: Trump lied, people died and you are standing by while South Jersey Suffers

Amy Kennedy to Jeff Van Drew: Trump lied, people died and you are standing by while South Jersey Suffers


Brigantine, NJ — Following reports that President Trump knew how deadly the coronavirus was and purposefully downplayed the dangers, Amy Kennedy released the following statement.


“Too many people in South Jersey have lost their healthcare, their small businesses, their jobs and their lives because of COVID-19.  Now we find out that Donald Trump knew how severe and deadly the virus was back in early 2020 and, once again, Jeff Van Drew has chosen to advance his own political career and to stand by his pledge of ‘undying support’ to President Trump instead of fighting for the lives and livelihoods of our community. Van Drew has embraced and parroted President Trump’s efforts to mislead people, including promoting Hydroxychloroquine against the advice of public health officials who warned of its dangerous side effects, and which is manufactured by his campaign donor, Joe Pizza.  Van Drew is staying silent while Republican leadership fails time and again to pass the relief package our communities need, and continues to play politics while South Jersey suffers.  Now, more than ever, leadership matters and the people of South Jersey deserve better.  In Congress, I will fight for access to affordable healthcare and an economic lifeline for our community and I will always serve the people of South Jersey with integrity and compassion.”



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