Amy Kennedy Responds to NRCC Attack 


Amy Kennedy Responds to NRCC Attack

Jeff Van Drew and the Republicans are coming after me because they know I am the best candidate to turn NJ2 blue in the fall

Brigantine, NJ- Today the National Republican Campaign Committee attacked Amy Kennedy shortly after she called on Jeff Van Drew to support The HEROES Act. Amy released the following statement:

“I won’t be cowed by attacks from Jeff Van Drew and the National Republican Campaign Committee.  The fact that they are coming after me only confirms that they know what I know– the people of South Jersey want change and I am the best candidate to beat Jeff Van Drew and turn this district blue again in the fall,” said Kennedy.  “Earlier today, I called on Jeff Van Drew to stop helping President Trump and Republican leadership line the pockets of big corporations and start helping the people here in South Jersey by supporting The HEROES Act.  Van Drew’s response was to unleash the Republican attack dogs.  It is outrageous that Van Drew and the Republicans are playing politics with people’s lives during the coronavirus pandemic.  People here in South Jersey are struggling and desperately need help.  The very least he could do is support the HEROES Act which will put money directly in the hands of the people of South Jersey and provide the resources and testing our community needs.  Jeff Van Drew sold out the people of South Jersey by switching parties and pledging his undying loyalty to Donald Trump.  It’s not surprising that we can’t count on him to stand up for nurses, workers, teachers and first-responders now.”

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