Andre Sayegh Releases Public Safety Plan For Paterson

Andre Sayegh Releases Public Safety Plan For Paterson
PATERSON – Paterson Councilman, and candidate for Mayor, Andre Sayegh today released his comprehensive public safety plan for the city. 
“Over the past twelve years the city we live in, the city we love, has become a place filled with danger and violence.  When my mother was raising my brother and me all those years ago in Paterson there were the same basic parallels to our city today.  Our city still has people raising families, we still have seniors trying to go to the store for milk and we still have kids just trying to get to school every morning, but the difference now is that random acts of violence are occurring on our streets every day.  Public Safety is my top priority.
I am releasing this public safety plan because I want the people of our city to have time to review it and make an informed decision with their vote on May 8th based upon facts and data as opposed to hyperbole and rhetoric. 
As Mayor, I will increase police officers in our streets; I will bulk up the Narcotics Unit; I will work with the Sheriff’s Department to get more resources for our streets; I will hold regular meetings with people from all quarters in all neighborhoods to make sure we are working together towards solutions like we did in the 6th Ward; I will work with our kids towards a safe and productive future; and I will target crime “hot spots,” just as we did in the 6th Ward.
As mayor, I will fight to make the city we all love safer each day and work to restore our streets to what they were when I was growing up here.  It is time to get to work.”     
Paterson is the third largest city in the State of New Jersey, the County Seat of the Passaic County, and is home to over 147,000 residents.  The most serious issue the City of Paterson faces today is the high rate of crime; crime statistics for the past decade are staggering.  Over the years, theft, robbery, burglary, aggravated assault, homicide, and overall crime in the city have been nothing short of an epidemic.  Paterson’s future is tied to our ability to make our City safer.
Andre Sayegh has a vision for fighting crime in our streets to make Paterson a safer place for people to live, work, and raise a family.  The seven measures found in the Sayegh Public Safety Plan can and will be effective in driving down crime throughout Paterson. 
The components of this plan to combat crime in Paterson will require funding that will be realized in a number of different ways.  Existing resources will be re-allocated.  The time for complaining and hoping things will somehow get better has long since passed.  The Sayegh Administration will re-distribute existing funds within the police department to provide for increased walking patrols and strengthening of the Narcotics Units.  We will make long overdue upgrades I technology that will serve to maximize resources, both financially and personnel-wise.
The Sayegh Administration will also make it a top priority to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse by immediately conducting a top to bottom review of every department in city government.  This will result in the elimination of redundancies, with personnel and resources being shifted to departments and agencies suffering from neglect. 
Andre Sayegh’s Administration will also be vigorous in fostering stronger relationships and partnerships on a state, county and federal level.  These partnerships will allow the city to capitalize on available federal grants that have been overlooked or mishandled, while also allowing the city to work in concert with the Passaic County Sheriff to utilize their department’s available resources with the objective of making Paterson safer for everyone.
  1. Increase Police Foot Patrols:  Public Safety is about keeping our community safe.  Paterson needs a stronger connection between community groups and police officers.  Paterson can reduce crime by building trust and cooperation between residents and law enforcement.  There is no better way to get law enforcement positively involved in our neighborhoods with knowledge of our children and families than increasing the number of police officers and foot patrols.
  2. Strengthen the Narcotics Unit:  Drugs are the impetus for much of the criminal activity that occurs on our streets.  Andre Sayegh is already committed to doubling the numbers of detectives in the Narcotics Unit.
  3. Increase collaboration between the Passaic County Sheriff’s Department and the Paterson Police Department:  The Sayegh Administration will cultivate a positive and cooperative relationship with the Sheriff’s department to get more Sheriff’s officers patrolling our streets, as well as more resources to combat gang and drug related crime.
  4. Create the Mayor’s Task Force on Crime:  A critically vital component of any plan to combat crime in Paterson includes real engagement with faith-based leaders, business principals, community activists and law enforcement officials.  These important stakeholders will meet regularly with the Mayor to discuss solutions that will make our city safer.
  5. Establish YouthStat: Young people in Paterson need to be developed from cradle to college so that they walk the path of success and grow into productive members of society.  Those who are at risk will be monitored and provided interventions by the Paterson Police Department, Juvenile Court, Paterson Public Schools, and Social Service Agencies to prevent further involvement in problematic or criminal activity.
  6. Make Our Schools Safe Havens: The Sayegh Administration will work to keep schools open past 3:00 p.m. for young Patersonians, so that they will have secure and friendly places to spend their time more productively every day; these Safe Havens will serve as full-service community schools with after-school and after dark programs that will include homework centers, recreation programs, truancy enforcement, and curfew enforcement for children attending Paterson schools.
  7. Focus deterrents on crime “hotspots”: Andre Sayegh sponsored the commercial curfew ordinance* which has reduced crime in Paterson's hot spots by over 70%. My administration will expand upon these type of best practices with the goal of putting a stronger public safety presence in key areas ridden with crime. 

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