Andy Kim Announces Endorsements from Communication Workers of America Local 1032 and Local 1036

U.S. Rep. Andy Kim (D-3)

Andy Kim Announces Endorsements from Communication Workers of America Local 1032 and Local 1036

MARLTON, NJ – Today, in the wake of his strongest fundraising quarter as a member of Congress, and multiple endorsements from New Jersey labor organizations, Congressman Andy Kim (NJ-03) announced the endorsements of the Communication Workers of America Local 1032 and Local 1036.


“This November, voters will have a clear choice; you can stand with corporate PACs and their big money influence, or you can stand with working people. I’m proud to stand with the working people of New Jersey, and proud that CWA Local 1032 and 1036 are standing with me,” said Congressman Kim. “We know that the same money that’s used to attack me is used to attack working class people, and that’s why I’m committed to fighting back together for good jobs and good wages.”


These endorsements add to a formidable listing of local labor organizations, including Ironworkers Local 399, UA Local 322, Plumbers, Pipefitters and HVAC Service Technicians, Teamsters Joint Council 53 and Local 676, the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers of New Jersey, The International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), and the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW).


“Congressman Andy Kim is exactly what New Jersey needs in Congress, especially at this time, said Adam Liebtag, President of CWA Local 1036. “His foreign policy experience, level-headed and fact-based leadership, and sincere caring about working families are why we enthusiastically support him. Andy continues to work closely with our union members and neighbors here in the district. We know that Andy is driven to do the very best for middle-class working households on making health care more secure and affordable and other ‘kitchen table’ issues that matter to our membership.”


“We don’t often endorse candidates this early, but with Andy Kim there was no question,”  said Patrick Kavanagh, President of Communications Workers of America Local 1032, in discussing their endorsement of Congressman Kim. “The difference between Andy and our former Congressman is the difference between day and night. Andy has lead the charge to make prescription drugs more affordable for our members, and to protect our healthcare. Andy and his team are always responsive and always supportive of working families.”

In addition to formal endorsements, Kim has the support of the American Postal Workers Union, the National Treasury Employees Union, the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, and the Air Line Pilots Association, among others.


Without taking support from corporate PACs, Kim raised $900,000 in Q4 and has more than $2.2 million cash-on-hand, putting him in a strong position to win what the Cook Political Report has labeled a ‘toss-up’ race. Of individual donations to Kim’s campaign, 90 percent were $100 or less, demonstrating continued grassroots support that helped him win in 2018.

Congressman Kim has been listed as part of the DCCC’s Frontline program and has been endorsed by government reform groups like End Citizens United PAC; national security and veterans groups like VoteVets, Serve American PAC and Foreign Policy for America; and progressive groups like the League of Conservation Voters and Planned Parenthood Action Fund, among other organizations.


Congressman Kim grew up in Marlton, NJ and lives in the district with his wife, Kammy, and two young children. He previously served as the Director for Iraq and the Counter-ISIS fight at the White House National Security Council and as a strategic adviser to top generals in Afghanistan.

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