Andy Kim Campaign Calls on Tom MacArthur to Return Collins’ Tainted Money
Andy Kim Campaign Calls on Tom MacArthur to Return Collins’ Tainted Money
MARLTON NJ—Congressman Tom MacArthur’s campaign donor and ally, Congressman Chris Collins, has been arrested and charged with insider trading. Collins’ PAC has donated $1000 to MacArthur’s campaign.
“Tom MacArthur has routinely taken money from corrupt entities, corporations, and lobbyists,” said Kim spokesman Forrest Rilling. “MacArthur’s ally and donor, Rep. Chris Collins, was arrested for securities fraud, wire fraud, and false statements, and the fact that MacArthur continues to hold his money is deeply troubling. Today, we call on Congressman MacArthur to return Collins’ tainted campaign cash. Anything else is unacceptable.”
Tom MacArthur has a history of taking money from big corporations and special interests, and voting for their interests at the expense of his community. Last year, MacArthur invested upwards of $250,000 in oil companies, then voted to give them a $25,000,000,000 tax break. He also took over $400,000 from prescription drug and insurance companies and wrote the bill to gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions and raise premium costs for older Americans.