Andy Kim for Congress Campaign Holds Women’s Rally and Canvass Launch

In a fundraising missive sent out this afternoon, Rep. Andy Kim described anonymous phone calls that were made to voters in NJ's Third Congressional District aimed at casting doubt on Kim's trustworthiness ahead of the 2020 election.


WILLINGBORO, NJ – This morning, the Andy Kim for Congress campaign held a Women’s Rally and Canvass Launch. Over 100 volunteers joined the event – Willingboro’s largest canvass launch yet – as Kim and other community leaders discussed what’s at stake for women and families in this election.


“We have 17 days until Election Day, and the direction of this country will likely come down to New Jersey’s Third Congressional District,” said Kim. “I am so humbled by the support of hundreds of volunteers who are knocking on doors and making calls to spread the word about this campaign. Together, we are going to hold Tom MacArthur accountable for his actions to gut protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions, take away essential health benefits like maternity care, and impose what AARP calls an ‘age tax’ on older Americans. In Congress, I’ll protect women’s access to health care, defend protections for those with pre-existing conditions, and work to lower health care and prescription drug costs. This isn’t about politics; this is personal for me, my family, and for thousands of women and their families across this community.”

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