Andy Kim: Tax Cheat or Lied to Vote?

Toms River, April 5, 2018 – Official government documents from Burlington County and Washington, D.C. reveal that far-left Democrat Andy Kim took a property tax break on his Washington, D.C. condo after registering to vote, casting a ballot, and declaring to run for Congress in South Jersey.  The MacArthur campaign said Kim owes the voters an explanation about whether he’s a tax cheat in D.C. or lied about where he lived in NJ in order to vote.


“Andy Kim has painted himself as a paragon of virtue, while maliciously attacking my character and integrity from the moment he entered this race,” said Congressman Tom MacArthur.  “Well, the truth is that Andy Kim’s dishonesty knows no bounds, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.  Clearly Andy never learned the proverb that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.  He also apparently never learned that cheaters never win, especially not congressional candidates who cheat on their taxes like the evidence suggests he is doing.”


“Did Andy Kim lie to get a substantial property tax break on his nearly $1 million condo in Washington, D.C. or did he lie about where he lived so he could register to vote in South Jersey and run for Congress here – which is it?” asked Chris Russell, consultant for Congressman MacArthur.  “Andy Kim doesn’t pay property taxes in New Jersey and doesn’t own a home here, but it’s not because he can’t afford to.  Andy Kim pretends to be a career public servant struggling to make ends meet here in New Jersey, but the truth is that he’s still claims to be a resident of Washington, D.C. who is entitled to a special tax break on a D.C. condo that is valued at more than three times what an average home in Burlington and Ocean Counties is worth.  It’s time for Andy Kim to do some explaining.  Trouble for him is that no matter which truth he chooses, he’s going to be admitting to a big lie.”



The Facts

Backup documents attached for review.

Andy Kim doesn’t own property in New Jersey nor does he pay property taxes here.  He is currently registered to vote at 17 Winding Brook Road, Bordentown Township, which is owned by Kathleen Berlin, P.O. Box 8005, Trenton, NJ 08650.

When he paid the 2017 tax bill on his $826,000 Washington, D.C. condo on September 15, 2017, Andy Kim claimed a $72,450 homestead tax credit intended for people whose principal place of residence is Washington, D.C. or who are domiciled there.  The District of Columbia Office of Tax & Revenue notes on every tax bill that home owners who are no longer eligible for this substantial tax credit because they are not domiciled in D.C. or do not consider it their primary residence “are obligated to inform” the office in writing within 30 days to cancel the tax relief.

Despite registering to vote in Burlington County on May 10, 2017 at 94 Woodlake Drive, Marlton (the home is owned by Solomon & Marjorie Jacobs, 25 Harrowgate Drive, Cherry Hill), voting in the Democratic Primary Election on Tuesday, June 6, 2017 and announcing his candidacy for Congress in NJ-3 on June 19, 2017, Andy Kim still claimed that 652 L Street, NE, Washington, D.C. was his principal place of residence on September 15, 2017 according to the District of Columbia Office of Tax & Revenue.

In doing so, Andy Kim benefited from a nearly 20% property tax break on an expensive Washington, D.C. condo while voting and running for Congress in South Jersey.

As of March 31, 2018, Andy Kim is apparently late paying his 2018 first half property tax bill in Washington, D.C., where his current tax bill notes that the total amount due of $3,089.76 is still reflective of a $623.48 special tax break thanks to a $73,350 deduction intended for D.C. residents.


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