Annual NJ Bike & Walk Summit to Highlight Stronger, Safer, and More Equitable Communities
Annual NJ Bike & Walk Summit to Highlight Stronger, Safer, and More Equitable Communities
Statewide Event to Feature Policy Solutions, Advocacy Successes, and Best Practices for Improving Public Health, Economic Growth, and Social Justice through Active Transportation Planning
WEST WINDSOR, N.J. (Mar. 16, 2018) – The New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition, just recognized as the 2018 Advocacy Organization of the Year by the League of American Bicyclists, will host New Jersey's largest annual gathering of active transportation advocates and experts at this month’s NJ Bike & Walk Summit.
The annual New Jersey Bike & Walk Summit is a gathering of policy advocates, public officials, planners and engineers, activists, researchers, and recreation enthusiasts coming together to learn, network, make connections, and share ideas and best practices. This year’s summit will include panel sessions, workshops, and presentations on key topics such as "Legislation Affecting Bike Riders and Pedestrians," "Getting to Vision Zero," "Green Streets and Complete Streets," the first-ever "Jersey Shore Complete Streets Workshop," "Advancing Transportation and Equity," "Using the Complete Streets Guide Suite," "Analyzing Bike rider and Pedestrian Crash Data to Find Hotspots," "Bike Parking and Mass Transit," a Bike Share Demo (weather permitting), the New Jersey Safe Routes Academy, and a special viewing of a new bike ride documentary that was filmed in New Jersey.
"With this year's emphasis on transportation equity, particularly as it relates to safety, we hope to spread the message that lives can be saved through sound planning and community-based advocacy efforts that protect our most vulnerable people," said Cyndi Steiner, executive director of the NJ Bike & Walk Coalition. "The Summit is a unique opportunity to share expertise and bridge gaps across the diverse spectrum of communities that form our regional coalition of active transportation advocates and policy makers."
This year's keynote speaker is Equiticity President & CEO Oboi Reed, a White House and USDOT Transportation Champion of Change Awardee, as well as a Co-founder and President & CEO of Slow Roll Chicago. Other featured speakers include NJDOT Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator Elise Bremer-Nei, Founder and Editor-In-Chief of The Black Urbanist Kristen Jeffers, Assistant Director for Federal Projects Planning Michael Viscardi of NJ Transit, and Leigh Ann Von Hagen of the Voorhees Transportation Center and the NJ Safe Routes to School Resource Center.
Three state legislators will be awarded the Advocate of the Year Award at the summit for their sponsorship of the state’s new driver education law. They are Senators Nia Gill and Steven Oroho and Assemblywoman Annette Chaparro. A4165/S2894, which was signed into law on January 15, 2018, requires driver’s education in New Jersey to include information on bicycle and pedestrian safety in the driver’s education manual, in the course and on the license exam. Receiving the Award for Advocate of the Year – Local Level is the Asbury Park Complete Streets Coalition for their successful efforts in bringing a road diet to Main Street in Asbury Park.
This year’s Summit will take place on Saturday, March 24th, 2018, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at The Conference Center at Mercer County Community College, in West Windsor, New Jersey. More information and registration details can be found online
About the New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition
The New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition is the only statewide advocacy organization for bicyclists and pedestrians. NJBWC is dedicated to protecting the rights and safety of New Jersey's bicyclists and walkers, promoting bicycling and walking for fun, fitness, and transportation, educating cyclists, walkers, and drivers about our rights and responsibilities, and connecting our communities with a smarter transportation system. NJBWC is a collective voice for everyone who believes that a safer, more rideable and walkable New Jersey means a more livable, sustainable New Jersey.
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