Another Community Ripped Apart By Gun Violence Mikie Sherrill Statement on the School Shooting in Santa Fe, Texas

Another Community Ripped Apart By Gun Violence

Mikie Sherrill Statement on the School Shooting in Santa Fe, Texas


Fairfield, NJ -- Mikie Sherrill issued the following statement in response to the tragic shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas:


“Today another community has been ripped apart by gun violence and we have still seen nothing more than thoughts and prayers from our leaders in Congress. Rather than thoughts and prayers, we need legislation and movement toward real safety in this country. The Santa Fe students and their families should be celebrating graduation and the beginning of summer, and instead, this time will always bring memories of the terror of gun violence.”


“Our leaders in Washington took an oath to protect the people of the United States, and once again today, we see the consequences of their failure to do so. Our current leaders may refuse to stand up and keep our kids safe, but I can guarantee you that I will have courage to take action.”


The tragedy in Santa Fe, Texas, comes three short months after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.


Mikie Sherrill is a U.S. Navy veteran and former federal prosecutor running for Congress in New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District. Sherrill is endorsed by Giffords and has earned the Gun Sense Candidate Distinction by Moms Demand Action.

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