Armstead/Yamakaitis Cancel Taxpayer Subsidized Campaign Rally 

Armstead/Yamakaitis Cancel Taxpayer Subsidized Campaign Rally

Mayor and Running Mate Shamed into Cancelling Illegal Meeting

(LINDEN) –Linden Mayor Derek Armstead and running mate Michele Yamakaitis are cancelling their sham town hall meeting/campaign rally. Linden Democratic Mayoral Candidate Gretchen Hickey and Council President Jorge Alvarez claim victory for abused Linden taxpayers.


“For four years, this Mayor has used city resources for his own convenience,” said Councilwoman Gretchen Hickey. “Apparently, the Mayor sees nothing wrong with using City resources for a campaign rally. It’s sad it took a public shaming for the Mayor not to hold this illegal meeting”


Armstead and Yamakaitis planned to have town hall meetings on May 10, 2018 and May 17, 2018 in the City Council Chambers. Armstead and Yamakaitis distributed a flyer advertising the “town hall”, specifying the meeting location as City Hall, while clearly declaring at the bottom “Paid for by the Committee to Elect Armstead Mayor”.  It even includes the Mayor’s campaign slogans and themes.


The Hickey and Alvarez campaign sent a letter to the Mayor, Council and City Attorney, chastising the Armstead and Yamakaitis for abuse of power. Apparently after consulting with the City Attorney, the Mayor  and his running mate cancelled the meeting.


“This is a small victory. Taxpayers are tired of the Mayor thinking that the rules do not to apply to him,” said Hickey. “We look forward to making that point when we win on June 5th.”


Armstead has taken flack for requiring the city purchase a $70,000 luxury SUV through the police department and has been accused of having police officers assigned to chauffeur himself and his friends to political events. Recently, it was noted Armstead failed to disclose over $30,000.00 in political contributions.


“Enough with the games,” added Council President Jorge Alvarez. “Linden voters are tired of the Mayor’s personal use of city vehicles, the lack of a plan to fill the vacancies on Wood Avenue, or the poor condition of Linden Train Station. We are confident that they will choose change and vote for the Column B team on June 5.”


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