Assembly Candidate Hal Wirths to receive Public Service Award

Assembly Candidate Hal Wirths to receive Public Service Award



District 24 Assembly Candidate Hal Wirths announced today that he will be receiving the Chamber of Commerce of Southern New Jersey’s Public Service Award at their 2017 Pinnacle Awards Dinner.

The Chamber’s recognition is for Wirth’s “outstanding commitment to the State’s business community during [his] tenure as Commissioner of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.”

Wirths welcomed the Chamber’s recognition of the job he did as Labor Commissioner for six plus years he served.

“Working with a lot of good people including the Chamber and business and labor leaders from throughout the State, we were able to reform the operations of the Labor Department and put it on the right financial track,” said Wirths.  “The Department became solvent again and ensured that New Jersey’s Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund, would be able to meet the new and great demands placed on it in the aftermath of the Great Recession.   

“Now New Jersey is leading the nation when it comes to combating unemployment insurance fraud. Using common-sense approaches, we have been able to stop nearly $700 million from being taken from the Trust Fund and recover more than $100 million from those who have collected unemployment benefits improperly. These measures will ensure that the Trust Fund remains solvent for years to come.”

Under Commissioner Wirths’ leadership and with legislative support, a federal tax hike that New Jersey employers were facing in January 2014 was eliminated.  Due to the growing health and solvency of the Trust Fund, New Jersey employers have realized $380 million in tax relief – the largest single unemployment tax reduction in New Jersey history.

Wirths has also received the following recognitions because of his outstanding service as Labor Commissioner:

FBI Recognition for Investigation of Great Importance

Thomas Kelly Government Service Award

New Jersey Chamber of Commerce Business Advocate of the Year Award

New Jersey Business & Industry Association Paul L. Troast Award for Public Service

National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) State Excellence Award for Leadership (SEAL) Award for Hurricane Sandy Response

US Department of Labor Unemployment Insurance Innovation Award for Integrity

Sussex County Economic Development Partnership Business Advocacy Award


“I will bring the same work ethic and know-how that I brought as Commissioner to the Assembly to combat our State’s problems, Wirths concluded.”

Wirths is running with incumbent Parker Space for Assembly and Steve Oroho for Senate in the 24th Legislative District in the June 6th Republican Primary.  The 24th District covers all of Sussex County and portions of both Warren and Morris Counties.

The Pinnacle Awards Dinner will be on Wednesday, June 21.  For more information please visit

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