Assembly Democrats Issue Statement to Express Concern Over EPA Suspending Regulatory Compliance

Assembly Democrats Issue Statement to Express Concern Over EPA Suspending Regulatory Compliance

Together They Ask New Jersey Companies to Comply Anyway


(TRENTON) – Responding to sweeping action by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to suspend regulatory enforcement and compliance on a range of health and environmental protections during COVID-19, Assembly Democrats Nancy Pinkin (D-Middlesex), James Kennedy (D-Middlesex, Somerset, Union), Yvonne Lopez (D-Middlesex) and John McKeon (D-Essex, Morris), members of the Assembly Environment Committee, issued the following joint statement:

“Walking back enforcement measures in the way the EPA has chosen to do is irresponsible. While the action itself is temporary, the consequences will be permanent and will serve to do much more harm than good.

“Exempting companies from environmental standards and subsequent fines challenges our ability to mitigate pollution and preserve public health. Poorer air and water quality undoubtedly would worsen health outcomes beyond the coronavirus outbreak, disproportionately impacting those who face special health vulnerability.

“We cannot afford for New Jersey to suffer the consequences of this. So, for public health today as well as for the health of generations to follow, we ask companies do the right and responsible thing by self-regulating compliance.”

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