Assembly Panels to Review E-Sports Betting, Measure Concerning Kids’ Lemonade Stands on Monday

Assembly Panels to Review E-Sports Betting, Measure Concerning Kids’ Lemonade Stands on Monday

Also, Consumer Affairs Committee to Hear Measure Creating Vehicle Trade-In Timeline; Tourism Committee to Receive Update on NJ Meadowlands; Two New Assembly Committees to Convene for First Time


(TRENTON) – The first day of Assembly committees of the 219th session will be held on Monday, January 27.

Among the Assembly panels to meet:

The Assembly Tourism, Gaming and the Arts Committee will discuss a bill to allow for e-sports betting in New Jersey, as well as hear testimony from invited guests on economic growth and tourism efforts in the Meadowlands. Other measures up for review by Assembly committees include bills to prohibit municipal licensure of children operating temporary businesses, such as lemonade stands; address access to public facilities for individuals with service dogs; and regulate pay-off of trade-in vehicles.

Two new committees will hold inaugural meetings. The Assembly Community Development and Affairs Committee will consider legislation to make information about homeless prevention programs available online, among others. The Assembly Senior Services Committee will hear testimony from invited guests to assess the state of senior services in New Jersey.

Community Development and Affairs and Senior Services will both meet in Committee Room 14, 4th Floor, State House Annex in Trenton, New Jersey at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. respectively.

The full agendas can be found here.

Committees will begin at 10 a.m.

Highlights include:





Encourages development of zero-emission vehicle fueling and charging infrastructure in redevelopment projects.







Concerns training of employees about access to public facilities for individuals with service or guide dogs.



Prohibits the sale of certain children’s products containing lead, mercury, or cadmium.




Regulates pay-off of trade-in vehicles and certain vehicle title releases.

Schaer/Mosquera/Tucker/Lampitt/Vainieri Huttle/Quijano/Wimberly/Pintor Marin/Jasey


Requires DCA to make information on homeless prevention programs and services available on its Internet website.



Prohibits municipal licensure of children operating temporary businesses.







Directs Secretary of Higher Education to study prevalence, cost, and quality of certain on-line courses compared to traditional classroom courses offered by institutions of higher education.


Permits four-year institution of higher education to award associate degrees.



The following bills will be heard for discussion only:


Moriarty/Vainieri Huttle


Requires disclosure of usual and customary price for merchandise offered in certain advertisements.  



Revises permit and license processes for sports pools operators and online sports pool operators; revises definitions of certain sports events; allows for transactional waiver for sports wagering lounge.


Makes DNA samples and genetic information resulting from DNA analysis property of the person sampled or analyzed.


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