Assembly Transportation Chair Benson on NTSB, New Jersey Transit Hoboken Crash Investigative Findings

Assembly Transportation Chair Benson on NTSB, New Jersey Transit Hoboken Crash Investigative Findings

(TRENTON) – Assemblyman Daniel Benson (D-Mercer, Middlesex), chair of the Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee, released the following statement on the National Transportation State Board executive summary of the Hoboken train crash released today:

“The NTSB findings emphasize the need to invest more in infrastructure and implementing already long-identified safety measures.

“This can be done through fast-tracking capital investment and focusing on improving management of Transit employees to ensure staff in critical positions are rested and that they are afforded medical treatment when necessary.

“We also must ensure that reporting of those needs is not discouraged by fear of job loss or retaliation. And finally, better risk monitoring and management must be central to any reform of the Transit system.

“Even presumed minor issues should be taken seriously.  These may be warning signs that must be addressed immediately to avoid major catastrophes in the future. In the Hoboken and Brooklyn incidents, warning signs were left ignored and it tragically resulted in the loss of life.”

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