Assemblyman Danielsen’s Statement on The Influx Of Drones

As Chairman of The Assembly Public Safety & Preparedness Committee, I have been monitoring the recent influx of drones flying over New Jersey. Since the first drones were seen last month, I have been in constant contact with the Governor, the State Police, the State Office of Homeland Security, and local law enforcement. During these productive conversations, I stressed the need for a briefing of the other members of the Legislature, which we received from the State Police & State Office of Homeland Security this past Wednesday. While they were able to assure us and the residents of this State that these drones pose no threat to our State or its citizens, they were unable to offer any explanation on the origin of these drones.

Listening to the concerns of residents, coupled with national and now international coverage of these events, such a lack of details is concerning to me. While I am well aware that some of the facts regarding these events may cross into Federal jurisdiction, the concerns and fears of our residents make it clear that silence just won’t cut it. With that in mind, I join many of my colleagues in demanding that the Federal government provide us with enough information or disclose any information possible which can allow the public a sense of confidence over our communities. Once again while I am aware certain facts are sensitive, it is essential that our Federal Government can at least tell us that these drones belong “US” and not “THEM”.

You can rest assured that, as Chairman with oversight over both the New Jersey State Police and the New Jersey State Office of Homeland Security, I will remain engaged on this topic and press for the answers you, as citizens, are owed. But while our State’s institutions will cooperate and remain good partners, the time has come for our Federal Government to do its fair share and offer the answers and reassurance we, as citizens, are owed.

Always at Your Service,
Joe Danielsen

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