Assemblyman Howarth calls for Boy Scouts investigation into Freeholder candidate George Youngkin

MEDFORD – Assemblyman Joe Howarth called on the Boy Scouts of America’s Garden State Council today to suspend George Youngkin, of Medford, after news reports uncovering his 2006 domestic violence arrest and restraining order, as well as serious harassment and stalking allegations.
Youngkin is on the ballot this November as a candidate for the Burlington County Board of Chosen Freeholders and is a longtime, and current, local leader in the Boy Scouts of America.
In a letter sent to Council President Henry Ludwigsen and Vice President of Ethics & Internal Affairs Col. Carl A. Williams, Howarth (R-Burlington) also asked the Council to launch a full investigation as to how Youngkin’s prior arrest and allegations slipped through the cracks.
“I am deeply disturbed that someone with such a violent history towards women has been able to interact with and, unbelievably, mentor our young children as a Scout Master,” said Howarth, who has been involved with the Boy Scouts since 1999.
Howarth has served as a Cub Master, Assistant Scout Master, Committee Chair, District Four Chair and has sat on the Advisory Council.
“Through my experiences, I’ve learned how much my own values reflect onto the children I help guide in the Scouts,” he said.
The Boy Scout Code of Conduct requires all volunteer leaders to: “confirm that [they] have fully disclosed and will disclose in the future any of the following: Any criminal suspicion, charges, or convictions of a crime or offense involving abuse, violence, sexual misconduct, or any misconduct involving minors or juveniles; Any investigation or court order involving domestic violence, child abuse, or similar matter; or any criminal charges or convictions for offenses involving controlled substances, driving while intoxicated, firearms, or dangerous weapons.”
“Based on the facts, which Mr. Youngkin does not dispute, he is in clear violation of this code. He never alerted the Scouts to his domestic violence arrest, where he was accused of choking his ex-wife, and was also the subject of a court-ordered restraining order. Therefore, he violated the Scout Oath by not disclosing his arrest from 2006. Mr. Youngkin has been involved in Scouts since 1999 and attained the rank of Scout Master in 2008,” Howarth said.
Due to the violation, Howarth has pressed for the Council to immediately suspend Youngkin and launch an investigation.