Assemblyman John Allen Sponsors Two Important Liberty State Park Protection Bills

Assemblyman John Allen Sponsors Two Important Liberty State Park Protection Bills



Assemblyman John Allen (D-32) today announced that he is the prime sponsor of two important bills to protect Liberty State Park: The Liberty State Park Protection Act and the Caven Point Protection Act.


The Liberty State Park Protection Act, A2488, would preserve the park as public urban green open space and put in place strong development restrictions. It would also create a Liberty State Park Advisory Committee, one that is independent, objective, and focused solely on the public good.


The Caven Point Protection Act, A4058, is designed to protect the living shoreline of the Peninsula, a prime habitat for wildlife and fauna.


“Taken together, these two important bills will ensure that we safeguard Liberty State Park from commercialization and large-scale development,” said John Allen.  “I will work hard for their passage because it is essential that we protect this iconic urban park with its stunning waterfront views as public open space that people can enjoy today and for years to come.”


Assemblyman Allen testified about his legislative initiatives at the NJ DEP Liberty State Park Design Task Force hearing last night.


Elected to his first term in the Assembly in November, John Allen represents Hoboken and parts of Jersey City.




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