Assemblyman John F. McKeon (D-Morris/Essex) issued the following statement regarding NJ Transit


Assemblyman John F. McKeon (D-Morris/Essex) issued the following statement regarding NJ Transit 

(MADISON) - Understanding the commuter’s frustration, the immediate release of the full New Jersey Department of Transportation audit will identify the depth of the challenges New Jersey Transit faces after 8 years of mismanagement. I expect the independent analysis will come to the same conclusions as the Joint Legislative Committee, and show that the agency was severely underfunded, rife with patronage, and lacking appropriate leadership. Governor Phil Murphy made his expectations clear, that rebuilding NJ Transit is a top priority. I would expect significant progress this time next year.

The quandary this administration has inherited in January is a race-against-time to install and implement the federally mandated positive train control (‘”PTC”) safety braking system by the end of this year, as per the Federal Government’s orders. This month’s rash of delays, cancellations and diversions are partly a consequence of New Jersey Transit’s now ramped-up efforts to meet this very important safety deadline. In the past few years, we have witnessed tragic and avoidable derailments, making it evident that enhanced safety measures are critical to the viability of our state’s commuter rail line.

The other significant cause for this painful summer for commuters, the second in a row, is the extreme staffing shortage making it virtually impossible to properly operate the 530 miles of track. In order to swiftly address the staffing crisis, I have begun drafting legislation that will exempt train engineers, the most skilled, sorely needed, and sought after class of professionals, from the current New Jersey public employee residency requirements. This will allow our transportation system to compete and attract the necessary amount of the most highly-qualified personnel.

I understand the 27th Legislative District’s unique reliance on this vitally important transportation system. I have and will continue to push this administration to reform New Jersey Transit until it is once again regarded as the best in the country.

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