Assemblyman Mazzeo, Assemblyman Armato, and Local Residents to Take Jitney to Joint Assembly and Senate NJ Transit Hearing

Assemblyman Mazzeo, Assemblyman Armato, and Local Residents to Take Jitney to Joint Assembly and Senate NJ Transit Hearing.


(Northfield) Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo and Assemblyman John Armato will be hosting a Jitney trip to the State House in Trenton on August 16th starting at the Atlantic City Train Station at 7:00 am, continuing to the Absecon Train Station at 7:30 am, with the last pick up being the Egg Harbor City Train Station at 8:00 am. The Assemblymen plan to be in Trenton by 10:00 am for the 10:30 am Joint Committee Hearing.


Constituents have been calling the Assembly office to voice their concerns about the rail line closing. A line, that is for many, a necessity for getting to and from work, doctors appointments and a flow of tourist. By busing the constituents to the hearing the Assemblymen hope to emphasize the voices of the people on the dire circumstances of NJ Transit and specifically the importance of a South Jersey Line. If anyone has any questions about the event with Assemblymen Mazzeo and Armato they can call their office at (609) 383-1388.



WHO:  Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo, Assemblyman John Armato, and local residents affected by Atlantic City Transit Line Suspension


WHAT:  Assemblymen Vince Mazzeo and John Armato will be hosting a Jitney Bus ride to Trenton for the NJ Transit Joint Committee Hearing.


WHEN & Where: Thursday, August 16th

7:00 am Atlantic City Train Station

7:30 am Absecon Train Station

8:00 am Egg Harbor City Train Station

10:30am Joint Hearing in Trenton





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