Assemblywoman Lopez’s Statement on Remarks Made About Puerto Rico During NYC Trump Rally 

Yvonne Lopez


Assemblywoman Lopez’s Statement on Remarks Made About Puerto Rico During NYC Trump Rally 

Speaker Tony Hinchcliffe made disparaging joke about the island during his speech at Madison Square Garden

(TRENTON) — The following is a statement from Assemblywoman Yvonne Lopez, condemning the remarks made about Puerto Rico and other minority communities:

“On Sunday night, the world witnessed an appalling display of insensitivity when Tony Hinchcliffe, who claims to be a comedian, made a disparaging joke about Puerto Rico, referring to this beautiful island and its hard-working and humble people as a “floating island of garbage.”

“Puerto Ricans are Americans. They have served valiantly in our armed forces, contributed to our economy, and actively participated in our democracy for over a century. Despite their dedication, Hinchcliffe was given a platform by a presidential campaign to insult the millions who call Puerto Rico home, as well as every American who understands that our nation is enriched by the diverse and invaluable contributions of Puerto Ricans and our territories.

“As a proud Puerto Rican with deep roots in this beautiful Caribbean island, I am appalled by Hinchcliffe’s comments, and I am grateful to all who have condemned these remarks for what they truly are: racist. Hinchcliffe’s so-called jokes targeted not only Puerto Ricans but also countless other Americans and non-Americans, relying on every racist trope to belittle those who are different.

My condemnation of this statement extends beyond the Puerto Rican community; it is about all Latinos and their fundamental right to receive the dignity and respect we deserve. This kind of rhetoric is unacceptable. We must stand united against such demeaning language and reaffirm our commitment to honoring and respecting all Americans, regardless of their backgrounds. As we continue to be part of this great experiment known as America, let us send a clear message that we will not accept discrimination in any form.”


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