Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian Praises RPM Development for $15,000 Donation for Brown’s Park

Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian Praises

RPM Development for $15,000 Donation for Brown’s Park


(Atlantic City, NJ) –  Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian said Thursday, “I want to thank the RPM Development Group for donating a check of $15,000 for the improvement and betterment of Brown’s Park.  We have some exciting plans for the park that will take place next year.


The current RPM Development housing project located at Drexel, Adriatic, Tennessee, & Ocean Avenues will include sixty-six units that will provide much needed workforce housing.   The units will be consisting of 17 three bedroom units, 13 one unit bedroom units, and 36 two bedroom units, all of which will be handicap accessible.


During Phase II of the development of Brown’s Park, the $15,000 will be dedicated to build a picnic area on the south side of Brown’s Park.  We will be putting 15 picnic tables, grilles for cooking out, and a washing station.  We are so proud of how Brown’s Park has become a symbol for Atlantic City’s rebirth and future optimism.


Over the past four years, rebuilding the City’s parks and playgrounds has been a top priority for me.  I knew from my experience as the Director of the Special Improvement Division that well-built and taken care of parks and playgrounds can dramatically change a community for the better.  That is why we have rebuilt every basketball court in Atlantic City, and renovated the fields at Altman Field, Chelsea Heights Sports Field, Soccer Field at Texas Avenue Park, and the Boys and Girls Club.”



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