Atlantic County Announces New Procedures for Work First New Jersey Customers During COVID-19 Pandemic

Atlantic County Announces New Procedures for Work First New Jersey Customers During COVID-19 Pandemic
Effective Thursday, March 19, 2020, the Atlantic County Department of Family and Community Development will suspend all in-person interviews and face-to-face business with its customers who participate in Work First New Jersey programs, including General Assistance (GA), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), as well as Medicaid and Emergency Assistance (EA) programs.
“Our goal is to ensure that residents who rely on our services will continue to have access to them while adhering to the current health and safety guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control,” stated County Executive Dennis Levinson.
The following actions are being implemented, as per a directive from the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development, to limit the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus.
- Suspend Work First New Jersey face-to-face interviews
- Suspend General Assistance 28-day protocol
- Suspend NJ SNAP and WFNJ work activity requirements
- Suspend WFNJ redeterminations
Additionally, the Department will temporarily suspend:
- In-person, face-to-face eligibility appointments
- Redetermination appointments
- Child Support interviews
- Time Limit Reviews
- Mandatory Supportive Assistance for Individuals and Families meetings
- Referrals for work activities
The Atlantic County Department of Family and Community Development will continue to conduct business through online applications and telephone interviews. Customers who require a new Families First Card will receive it by mail.
Drop boxes will be available at the security desk in the lobby of the county office building at 1333 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City. Customers may access the building Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 12 noon, via the Atlantic Avenue entrance. They may submit paperwork and applications for Medicaid, General Assistance, TANF, SNAP and Emergency Assistance/CEAS. All paperwork should be submitted in the respective drop box in a sealed envelope with the case worker’s name imprinted on the front. Only copies of original supporting documentation should be submitted. A copier will be available as needed.
Customers in need of monetary and food assistance should apply online at Interviews will be conducted by phone to temporarily eliminate the need for the public to complete applications in person.
A 60-day extension is being automatically granted to all Work First New Jersey customers who are scheduled for their first case review in March or April. All work activity requirements have been temporarily suspended.
For information and assistance with these programs call (609) 348-3001, ext. 2797 for GA/TANF and ext. 2351 for SNAP.
Customers who need to apply for NJ Family Care may complete an application online at: or call 1-800-701-0710 (TTY 1-800-701-0720) to request an application.
Hard copy applications can be mailed to the Atlantic County Department of Family & Community Development, Medicaid Office, 1333 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401.
No adverse actions regarding redeterminations will occur at this time. A 60-day extension period will be granted for redeterminations during the current State of Emergency.
Those who have not received their health benefits Identification card by mail or have lost their card should call 1-877-414-9251 to request a replacement. Medicaid providers can be located by calling 856-614-2870.
Applications and appointments will be conducted by phone. Call 348-3001 ext. 2876 for Emergency Assistance and ext. 2717 for CEAS. A housing hotline is also available at 2-1-1- to help place homeless individuals into housing.
Restitution payments will continue to be accepted by mailing checks or money orders. Those who need to make cash payments should call for an appointment, (609) 348-3001, ext. 2738.