Atlantic County Democrats: Why Does Chris Brown Continue to Mislead Voters and the Press?

Why Does Chris Brown Continue to Mislead Voters and the Press?


Over the course of his Senate campaign, Assemblyman Chris Brown has done nothing but mislead and lie to the voters of Atlantic County. He claims he stood up to Governor Christie and didn't support the state takeover of Atlantic City. He claims the same about the PILOT legislation, and the largest gas tax increase in the state's history. It's time that the voters and the press hold Chris Brown's feet to the fire for his lies, misdirection, and deception.



Chris Brown mailer: "Only 1 legislator had the guts to speak out against Chris Christie's takeover of Atlantic City. His name is Chris Brown."


Chris Brown continues to mislead voters. The truth is Brown voted twice in favor of the state takeover of Atlantic City. His claims that he stood up to Governor Christie are patently false.


"Governor Christie and lawmakers seem to have reached an agreement over the financial fate of Atlantic City..."


"Assemblyman Chris Brown, R-Atlantic, called the bill "good policy..." "Today is truly a victory for the families of Atlantic County, for the families of Atlantic City and the families throughout this state," he said." [Passaic County Herald News, 5/24/16]


Check Brown's Voting Record: [S1711, 5/23/2016 + 5/26/2016]



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