Atlantic County Democrats: Chris Brown Continues His Lie About Women's Healthcare
Chris Brown Continues His Lie About Women's Healthcare |
Running from his own record, Chris Brown continues to lie to Atlantic County voters on his health care record. Not only does he support Washington Republicans in throwing thousands of New Jerseyan's off their health care by repealing the Affordable Care Act, he's stood more than once with Governor Christie in denying women access to lifesaving treatments.
Chris Brown is not a hero to improving access to affordable and quality healthcare, he's an impediment.
SHOT Chris Brown mailer: "Making sure Atlantic County families have access to affordable healthcare will remain a top priority for Chris Brown in the State Senate." CHASER Chris Brown is a panderer and continues to lie about his record. The truth is Brown voted twice to deny New Jersey women access to essential health services like mammograms, cancer screenings, and pre-natal care. He stood with Christie Christie instead of standing with Atlantic County's women.
"No family should be denied access to preventative healthcare." - Assemblyman Chris Brown [8/19/2017, Facebook]
CHECK THE FACTS: Brown votes NO on S788 (2012), S2825 (2013), ACR222 (2016)
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