ATNJ Backs Speaker Pelosi’s Move to Begin Impeachment Inquiry  

ATNJ Backs Speaker Pelosi’s Move to Begin Impeachment Inquiry  


MADISON, NJ, September 24, 2019 –  In the wake of President Trump’s confirmation that he spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky about former Vice President Joe Biden - a front-runner in the Democratic primary race for President - Action Together New Jersey (ATNJ) announces that it fully backs Speaker Pelosi’s decision that the House of Representatives will begin formal impeachment inquiries. The President’s attempt to leverage his office to harm a political rival presents a clear threat to our national security and to our democracy.  


ATNJ leaders are also deeply disturbed by reports that the President has influenced Joseph Maguire, acting Director of National Intelligence, in his decision not to share a whistleblower complaint with Congress, as is required by law. Additionally, the timing of President Trump’s decision to withhold previously-approved aid funding to Ukraine raises the question of a possible attempt to extort a foreign government for political gain.  


Due to these concerns, we ask that every member of Congress put national security before party loyalty. That is why ATNJ will withdraw its support from any member of the New Jersey delegation who does not vote to support impeachment proceedings in the September 25, 2019 roll call. Our Representatives have sworn to serve, protect, and defend the United States of America, its Constitution, and its laws. They must take this oath seriously and stand up to defend our nation from betrayal by the holder of our highest office.[Text Wrapping Break][Text Wrapping Break]Our Constitution is clear: the President may not use the power of his office to pressure a foreign government for his personal or political gain.  As an organization that seeks to increase voter involvement, preserve election fairness, and encourage engagement in our political processes, we cannot be silent when any elected official seeks to upend our democracy.  Our work to make sure that every voter is heard and fairly represented is at the heart of what we do, such as speaking out against the gerrymandering bill, educating and registering voters, and working on legislation to fix the Vote By Mail law.  Our work will be for naught and the voter will be silenced if the power of the US Presidency can be used to influence our elections. 



About Action Together New Jersey 

ATNJ, a non-profit progressive group, is the largest grassroots organization in New Jersey. ATNJ has chapters in every county because change is local. Functioning as a central command for statewide initiatives and legislative actions, ATNJ’s teams work with coalitions of like-minded groups to serve the public by educating the electorate, providing a platform for progressive candidates, advancing legislative proposals with elected officials, and working in concert with advocacy groups for human rights. ATNJ seeks to promote equality and progressive ideals and to secure a more inclusive, fair and equitable future for New Jersey and the nation. For more information, visit 

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