ATU Ridin' With Fulop, Transit Union Endorses Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop for New Jersey Governor
ATU Ridin' With Fulop, Transit Union Endorses Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop for New Jersey Governor
Champion of Working Families and Public Transit Would Move New Jersey Forward
Silver Spring, MD – Calling him a champion of working people of New Jersey, public transit, and labor unions and a proven leader, the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), the largest union representing public transit workers in the U.S., including more than 8,000 members in New Jersey, announced today that it proudly supports Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop for Governor of New Jersey.
“We are riding with Fulop,” said ATU International President John A. Costa. “ATU is proud to be the first union to endorse Steve, and hopefully, others will follow right behind us. They should. It’s a no-brainer.” Costa, a New Jersey native, previously served as Chairman of the ATU’s NJ State Council and began his career at NJ Transit.
The current ATU NJ State Council Chair, Orlando Riley, knows what Fulop has done in Jersey City to improve the lives of working families. “From being among the first in the state to begin paying city employees a minimum of $15 an hour to expanding paid family sick leave, Mayor Fulop and his team have demonstrated that they stand by the core values of ATU,” said Riley.
One of Fulop’s top priorities is to expand and improve the quality of public transportation for New Jersey residents. In Jersey City, where many people do not have cars and are transit dependent, Mayor Fulop has relieved overcrowding on our buses, taken cars off the road, and provided service to certain areas which are transit deserts. “Mayor Fulop is an old school Democrat who makes sure that we don’t throw anyone under the bus,” said Costa. “He sees transit as a basic human right. He has fought for the rights of our members and our riders.”
"Modernizing New Jersey's public transit system is one of our state's greatest needs, and there is no one I would rather have helping me accomplish that goal than the hardworking men and women of the Amalgamated Transit Union. I believe strongly that we need to think big on public transit to build a reimagined system that efficiently moves people to major job centers, takes cars off the roads to reduce traffic and fight climate change, and supports equitable economic development. I'm thankful to ATU International President John A. Costa, ATU NJ State Council Chair Orlando Riley and their entire membership for their support," said Mayor Fulop about the ATU’s endorsement of his candidacy.
“If Steve Fulop can bring what he’s done in Jersey City to Trenton, we will all be better off,” said Costa. “We will be getting out in full force to elect Fulop. We will be registering our members to vote, encouraging them to vote, engaging riders, and taking part in other actions in the all-out effort to elect Steve Fulop as Governor of New Jersey.”