B4K Praises SBOE Decision on PARCC Policy Changes

B4K Praises SBOE Decision on PARCC Policy Changes


Shelley Skinner, Executive Director for Better Education for Kids, issued the following statement today regarding the New Jersey State Board of Education’s vote on the proposed regulation changes to the statewide assessment system.


“We applaud the State Board of Education’s decision to continue the discussion on the proposed changes to our state assessment system and graduation requirements. Today’s decision signals that we refuse to give up on our children and will continue to demand academic rigor and success until the day they graduate high school. We are pleased the Board did not allow anecdotal evidence to be the basis of our State’s education policymaking, nor accept that it is too difficult to improve learning outcomes after 8th grade. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with the State Board of Education and the Department of Education as they work to set high standards and an assessment aligned to it to ensure we are preparing all New Jersey children for college or the workforce. “

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