Baldini for Congress: In response to Mr. Palotta's Property Tax Relief Plan
To be serious about tax reform of any kind we need to stop taking the people's money. We are not the Government’s peasants to beg for our money back. That’s the Palotta and Gottheimer plan. Both seek to allow money to be sent to Trenton and Washington for us to fight to get it back either through tax relief schemes, deductions or false promises of grants and public assistance. This plan is a gimmick and politics as usual.
With this plan Mr. Palotta admits that he doesn't have what it takes to change the tax and spend culture in Trenton or Washington; he’s already given up the fight. Instead, we should elect someone who has committed to changing the culture in these swamps. Someone who has committed to supporting, campaigning and fighting back against Murphy and the tax and spend socialists. As a Congressman, I plan to fight back by supporting candidates for state and local elections who will commit to our parties primary goals of reducing spending and protecting our civil liberties. Our values and ideas are better than those of the Tax and Spend Socialist.
We continue to nominate and run Republicans who don't sincerely hold to our values, who are more politician than Conservative and more interested in getting the next campaign contribution than doing right by the citizens of our great state! We need to hold these officials accountable when they fail us.
Real tax relief is a tax cut such as my proposed 10% income tax cut for anyone who earns $250,000 a year or less. Instead of standing with Mr. Palotta I stand for the average American who wants to keep their money so we can feed our children, heat our homes and build our American Dream.
James Baldini
Candidate for the 5th Congressional District of New Jersey