Barberio Prevails in Parsippany GOP Race

Barberio Prevails in Parsippany GOP Race
Chair Ali Suffers Embarrassing Defeat
DeCroce Encourages Boycott MCRC Event
July 7, 2023 973 403 7836
(Parsippany, NJ ) With the Morris Country Republican Committee Chair Laura Ali, her legal advisor and Assemblyman Brian Bergen confined to the parking, the Parsippany Republican Municipal Committee meeting inside a local firehouse elected Mayor James Barberio as chairman of the municipal Republican committee
The municipal committee also appointed 13 members to the GOP committee, including former Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce. Ali opposed Barberio election and went to court last week to invalidate the appointment of the 13 people appointed to the committee in June by acting chair Dee dePierro.
DeCroce declared the results of last night’s Parsippany GOP meeting “ a victory for independent home rule over the strongarm tactics of Laura Ali and her henchmen.”
Ali and her troop tried to crash the municipal committee meeting but were relegated to the parking lot, because they are not members of the Parsippany committee or residents of the township.
“They have no right to be at the meeting, it was a private meeting,” said DeCroce. “They wanted to get into the building so they could threaten and bully people and create chaos. They were not there to do anything good for the Republican Party.”
While banished to the parking lot, Ali’s advisors and MCRC Vice-Chair and attorney Peter King was seen pressed up against a window with his cell phone in hand, attempting to video the meeting.
“Mr. King was obviously trying to intimidate people inside, but they were not intimidated,” said DeCroce. “I would say they were fed up with Ali’s strong-arm tactics.”
DeCroce said Ali’s soldiers in the meeting, including councilmen Justin Musella and James Carifi, were disruptive, but were ultimately subdued. Musella, a newcomer to Parsippany is trying to push his way to a leadership position within the town GOP and ultimately the mayor’s position, says DeCroce.
‘He’s a puppet of Ali and he’s doing himself no favors by doing her bidding,” said DeCroce.
Last night’s vote was blow to Ali who is trying to muscle her way to another term as MCRC chair by calling a surprise special meeting of the entire county committee on Saturday to stage her run for re-election.
DeCroce said she is encouraging all members of the Morris Country Republican Committee to boycott Saturday’s meeting. “It’s an illegal meeting called for the benefit of one person who wants to hold on to power. Her political boss tactics should not prevail in Morris County.”