Bashaw: Introducing “The Real Andy Kim”…

Introducing “The Real Andy Kim”…  

New Website Educates Voters About Andy Kim’s Disastrous Record for New Jersey:

Anti-Israel, Anti-Cop, Anti-Border Security


CAPE MAY — Days before New Jersey’s first US Senate debate, the website launched to educate New Jersey voters about Congressman Andy Kim’s’ disastrous record of being a far-left DC insider who votes with his Party 99% of the time.  The website breaks down how Kim is anti-Israel, anti-cop, and anti-border security. Additionally, Kim voted for legislation responsible for tax increases, rampant inflation, and a weak economy.


“New Jerseyans deserve better than Andy Kim, who’s a rubber stamp for the far-left’s disastrous economy and open border policies,” said Curtis Bashaw, Republican candidate for United States Senate. “It’s time to let voters know who they’re getting with Andy Kim — another anti-cop DC insider who will continue to vote for the far-left’s failed policies.”


“I’m running for US Senate because New Jersey families deserve a job creator and a political outsider who will fight for change,” Bashaw continued. “That’s why I’m endorsed by major organizations that have previously backed Democrats — including Congressman Andy Kim.”


Bashaw has been endorsed by the US Chamber of Congress and five major law enforcement organizations, including the NJ PBA, the NJ FOP, and the NJ State Troopers Fraternal Association.


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